Tuesday, January 5, 2010

11 months, Cornbread, and Towels

Clara is 11 months old today! Sweet, sweet girl...I cannot believe that in one month she will be 1 year old!

I had to go back to work for in-service today. It was so cold! I think Clara was wondering why she had so many layers on. She could barely move!
Tonight we had ham/beans and cornbread. I gave Clara cornbread for the first time. I gave her a whole piece. She loved it and nearly ate the whole thing. Can you tell by these pictures that she was loving it???

She had the rosiest cheeks tonight!
After supper, Reece and Aaron had a towel fight! Reece was laughing so hard. It was so funny! Clara kept trying to get in the middle of the action, but I don't think she can hang with these crazy guys quite yet!

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