Friday, January 1, 2010


Exactly 10 years ago, it was the big Y2K. The year 2000 was here. That was the first new year's eve I spent with Aaron. We had been dating a few months and I thought I was a pretty lucky gal to have him. I really had no idea how lucky I really was. A few years later we got married and now, 10 more new years have come. We spent this 2010 new year's eve tucking our babies in bed and sitting on the couch watching tv, and I wouldn't have it any other way. No big parties or celebrations needed.

Today, we started our new year just hanging around the house and watching LOTS of football. Reece had his own little football game going in the living room, but he was moving too fast to get any good pictures. So, here are a few pictures of his biggest fan:

This girl cracks me up!

And Bathtime:
Look at these eyes! Melt me!

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