We've been heading to lots of tee-ball practices lately! I love it! It's so much fun to watch Reece play. I'm excited for the games to start! I think Aaron enjoys coaching, but I don't think he'll be signing up to teach kindergarteners any time soon!:)
Our painting experience started off terrible, but we are on the right track now. Long story short, we wanted a very pale tan color. We got what we thought would be a great color and painted the entire dining room/kitchen. When we were finished, it looked like it had a pinkish tint. We lived with if for a few days to try to get used to it, but we were not happy with it. It's not terrible, but in certain lighting and during certain times in the day, it looked pinkish. It's not what we had in mind.
So, after a LOT of work, we switched paint colors and went to the living room. We found the perfect color! It was exactly what I had in mind! So here's our living room. Now we get to REpaint the kitchen/dining room to match this! Fun! I'm excited to see it ALL finished! :)
It really brightened up our living room! It looks so much bigger in here! It's amazing what a difference paint color can make!
I had a "martha-moment" and cut some red-bud branches and put them in a fish bowl! I really think it's pretty. Watch out Martha Stewart!:)
For the record, our living room is never this clean! That is one reason I had to post all these pictures. I needed a record to remind myself that our living room really can be this clean! :) ha!