Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas is almost here! The children are nestled all snug in their beds. Reece is about to bust with excitement. I brought my Christmas tree home from school and we put it up in his room. So he his sleeping by the light of his very own Christmas tree! I think I will put it in there every year. I decided that when all the Christmas stuff goes 50-75% off, I'm gonna get a little white tree for Clara's room. Then they can both have their very own mini-tree in their rooms. We baked cookies for Santa tonight. Chocolate chip, of course! I'm pretty sure I could make them in my sleep!

It rained all day today. Late this afternoon, the sun peeked out, and Reece looked outside and said there was a rainbow! There sure was! It was a DOUBLE FULL rainbow! 2 rainbows from end to end! It was so pretty! They were so close to our house, I couldn't get the full picture of them both from end to end, but here is one side of the rainbows. One is not as bright as the other, but it sure was pretty!

Last night we had Christmas at Roger and Kathy's house. We opened presents with them and Sarah and Eric and the boys. Clara looked like such a little doll baby in her little dress!(She was not eating the candy cane. Only chewing on the wrapper:)

Reece is so sweet when he opens presents. He was saying "thank you, thank you" before he even opened anything. He truly just loves anything he gets and is always so excited about it.

Lots of fun to come in the morning! I'm hoping to wake up to a white Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love these pictures~your kids are wonderful kids!Love you guys.
The crawfords