Sunday, August 8, 2010

Classroom and Clara

My room is all finished:)  Here's the "after."  Quite a difference, huh!?  I have to do this every year, but it forces me to clean and organize everything as I'm packing/unpacking.  It's always fun to see everything so shiny and clean.  Kindergarten is a great age.  It is definitely challenging some days, and my patience gets tested quite a bit, but not many people can say they get greeted with 20 smiling faces and hugs every morning.  :)
Here's my little corner of the world.
On a totally different subject....everyone always comments on how long Clara's hair is. She has pretty straight hair on top and curly hair underneath.  I always say, "you should see her hair when it's wet because all those curls and waves get straightened out."  Well, here is Clara's long wet hair:)
When Clara was little bitty, we would always tease and say she would be riding a four wheeler through the mud wearing a tutu. We figured she would be a girly girl but want to do everything just like Reece.  Well, we were exactly right.  Clara found this hat and has to wear it-just like Reece.  Wearing the John Deere hat along with her "princess" shirt:)


Laura Beth said...

Such a little doll! :)

I LOVE your all of the K rooms have tables not little desks? I didn't remember that from my K year..ha!

Kim said...

Thank you! Yes, all tables in kindergarten. I think they start using desks in first grade:)

Grandma said...

Nice classroom! I hope you have a good year! Love the pictures of Clara! She is something!

Emily said...

Great room! I'd love to feature you on my new teacher blog! Email me if you're interested.

And Clara is SUCH a doll!