Friday, July 2, 2010

What Makes Me Smile?

No worries...we haven't forgotten our ABC summer.  We had so many "P" activities, we are spreading them out over a couple of days.

In the meantime, I had a few pictures I wanted to put on here.  It really doesn't take much to make me happy.  Here are some pictures of things that have made me SMILE over the last week.:) 

We had M&M's for M day and I poured our leftovers into this old jar that I got at an antique store.  Now I have a colorful decoration for our kitchen! :)  I think I'm gonna keep it filled up with fun things all year. :) 
This girl cracks me up!  The last 3 times I have been folding laundry, she goes over to Reece's pile and gets one of his shirts and tries to put it on.  The last time, she was trying to put it over her head and was saying, "we wit" (wear it).  So I put it on and she was SO proud!  She ran around for a couple hours with her brother's shirt on! :)
This little girl REFUSES to let her momma clip her finger nails, but she will sit perfectly still for her Daddy!:)
I love seeing this...Clara randomly rubbing Reece's back. :)
A sandwich with FRESH SUMMER tomatoes!  Then taking the rest of the tomato and pouring salt on it and eating it like an apple! :)
My FAVORITE!  When I got home from the lake and looked at our pictures on the computer, I ran across this one that made me smile.  This is the first time Reece jumped off the top of the pontoon.  The thing I love most about it is Aaron up in the corner...SO proud and cheering for Reece! Love it! :)

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I know these pictures make me smile too! Fun summer, and as Reece said, "the most fun SO FAR"---