Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stickers and the BEST dessert EVER

I'm really trying hard to not only take pictures of the important events and occasions in our lives, but also just the plain old everyday stuff, no matter how small it may seem. The everyday stuff is what I love and enjoy so much.

We had another snow day today! I am loving these snow days! We have another day off tomorrow. We might have to go to school until July to make up all these days, but for now, I'm loving them!

Today, Reece had such a good time using his John Deere sticker book. He sat and worked in it for a long time.
After supper, we made smores for dessert. Reece said it was the best dessert he ever had! He's easy to please! :)

I had a video of Clara to put on here, but it would not load! She has a little toy that you push and walk behind. I just got it out for the first time today, and she was doing so good walking behind it. She could walk all the way across the living room with it! She was so proud!

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