Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lots and lots of snow!

Thursday night it began snowing and snowed all day yesterday. We have about 9 or 10 inches! I am so glad that my job allows me to stay at home with my kids on snow days! I love snow days!

Of course Reece rode his four wheeler!

Then Clara was watching Reece play in the snow on the back porch. He started throwing snowballs at her through the window. She was cracking up! It was so funny!

She adores Reece. He is such a good big brother!

Yesterday I made another thing for Clara's birthday party. I had to find 3 boxes that were proportionate to each other to make a "cake." It's going to have cupcakes stacked on it. When I was trying to figure out which boxes worked the best together, Clara started climbing all over the boxes. I'm telling you, this girl has no fear! She would climb up on them and climb from one to the other. She was so proud of herself!

And here's the final product...boxes from the garage and school, wrapped in pink paper and some ribbon... I'll stack cupcakes on it and we'll have a cupcake tower!

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