Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Few Stories

Another day at home with my babies:). It was so cold all day...around 0 with the wind chill! We stayed inside all day! Reece didn't even go outside to play at all. We don't have school tomorrow either, and I am so glad I don't have to drag Reece and Clara out in this weather!

I thought these pictures of Clara were so sweet! She just loves sitting and looking at books. She turns each page and opens the flaps. I think these little books are her favorite toys right now. They definitely keep her attention longer than anything else!

She even goes over to Reece's books and gets into those....

Tucker is usually an outside dog, but since it has been so cold, we have let him hang out inside with us. I think he is hoping it will stay 0 degrees forever! This evening I was cleaning up the kitchen and I peeked in the living room and saw this....(awww)

This is so funny! Clara has been standing up very well lately. She is usually very careful to hold on to something to keep her balance. Every once in a while she will let go, then quickly grab back on. Well, tonight, she realized she wasn't holding on and would clap for herself and squeal. Then, she would look at her hands in amazement like, "Oh my goodness...they aren't touching anything...I'm standing ALONE!" These pictures crack me up!

She's so funny!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

haha! that last one is so cute! do you have any idea how many times a day i hear clara's name? :) addie just loves her!