Tuesday, June 29, 2010

M Day

Monday was the perfect day for M!  We started out with muffins and milk.
Clara loves muffins, but she always has to give me this look like, "what is this?"
We played memory, and as always, Reece beat me.  I do not let him win...he is so good at memory.
We made Mohawks!
Then, we pulled Reece's mattress into the living room and watched the movie Madagascar.
What are they snacking on???
What else?  M & M's!! (we broke tiny pieces off for Clara:)
I had a few more M things planned for this evening...we were going to make maracas and milkshakes, but we found out that a friend of ours was playing baseball in Mountain Home, so we went to watch his game.  Clara had a big time waving at everyone, and Reece loves watching baseball!  When the baseball players come near him, you would think he was looking at a celebrity...he is completely mesmerized by them:)


Grandma said...

I will hate it when the "Z" Day comes! These pictures and stories just make me smile, whether I feel like it or not------

Heather | Cookie Mondays said...

I love alliteration posts! Nerdy but true :)